Bikram Yoga
Bikram Yoga is a therapeutic Hatha Yoga sequence of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises conducted in a room heated to 38ºC. Each pose is a challenge based on one's personal abilities. The postures are done in a heated room to help improve flexibility to avoid the risk of overstretching. By the end of a class, you will have worked every muscle, tendon, joint, ligament, internal organ and gland while systematically moving fresh, oxygenated blood to 100% of the body.
Iyengar Yoga
Deepen and fine tune your practice in this Iyengar inspired class focusing on perfecting yoga asanas. Learn how the use of props and correct body alignment assist you in going deeper into the posture safely. Highly recommended for everyone.
Yoga Dance
An excellent series of yoga asanas choreographed to music to evoke the grace control and movement of dance. Free your inhibitions and express yourself in this fun filled and light hearted class hearted class suitable for everyone.
Asana, Pranayama and Meditation
A combination of gentle yoga postures, breathing practices and guided meditation to awaken the body and mind. This class enhancesthe vital connection between mind, body and breath to bring awareness and peace to your everyday life and is suitable for everybody.
Founded by Sri K PattabhiJois, this dynamic and vigorous style of yoga involves synchronization of the breath with a fixed sequence of postures. The internal heat and sweat generated help to detoxify the body by getting rid of impurities. An ideal class for people who like challenging workouts, keep fit and lose weight. (different levels)
A flow class with adaptations of the sun salutation to build strength and endurance. Great for the cardiovascular system and to tone the entire body. Recommended for people who likes dynamic workouts. (Different levels)
Power Yoga
Thepower class focuses on the warrior pose and it’s variations to strengthen the body, build stamina,engage and tone the muscles in your arm, abdomen and thighs to reveal a leaner and trimmer new you!
A challenging class not suitable for beginners.
Stress Management
Adaptation of yoga postures, breathing practices and relaxation techniques to relax the mind and body. A great class to release stress and tension accumulated during the work day. Suitable for everyone.
Stretch & Tone
An excellent series of exercises to stretch, lengthen and tone all major muscle groups. Feel an immediate increase in flexibility and improvement in muscle tone after this class.
Suitable for everyone.
Sun Salutation
Aseries of traditional postures to kick start your morning, such as tadasana, plank, warrior and the downward facing dog. This class loosens up, stretches all major joints, tones major muscles groups and massages the internal organs of the body. Suitable for all everyone.
Inversions promote blood flow to the head and brain, re-energizes the brain cells has anti-aging effect. Arms and core muscles are also strengthened in the different variations of headstands, handstands and other arm balancing postures. For intermediate and advanced students only.
Yin Stretch
A quiet yet profound style of yoga based on the expression of theories derived from Chinese medicine and Taoism. Yin Yoga uses passive postures that are held longer to release tension from the muscles and joints and provides a deep stretch to the body. Not recommended for beginners.
Hot Stretch
A series of posturesspecifically designed to increase flexibility, loosen tight joints and ease tension from the body. (In different levels of difficulty)
Combining yoga postures together with the repeated movements of a pilates class, this dynamic class focuses on the core muscles, teaches balance and control to trim and tone the body. Say goodbye to flabby arms bulging tummy and saddle thighs in this special. Suitable for everyone.
Lunch Express
Empower your mid-day with a crisp tailor made 45-minute lunch workout and feel re-vitalized for the rest of the working day. Suitable for everyone.
Pre/Post Natal Yoga
A class especially for mums-to-be. Learn to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, align your spine and achieve physical, mental and emotional well-being. Recommended for pregnant mums at least 12 weeks into their pregnancy.
Easy Stretch
A gentle class that to release tension and stress from the body, restore peace and tranquility to the spirit and mind. Learn to relax, recharge and reenergize. Suitable for all.
Hatha is a Sanskrit word that means "sun" (ha) and “moon” (tha). In this traditional class, a sequence of asanas systematically work towards balancing the sun (yang) and moon (yin) energies in the body with focus on breathing together with postures. (in different level of difficulties)
Hatha Basic
An introductory class exploring the fundamentals of yoga asanas and key breathing exercises. Highly recommended for beginners.
Hot Back Bend
A series of postures designed to increase strength and flexibility of the abdominal and back muscles thus allowing students to go progressively deeper into advanced back bends These include UstrasanaBhujangasana and UrdhvaDhanurasana among others. Not recommended for beginners.
Dynamic Flow
This flow class involves moving from one posture into another seamlessly and continuously. Excellent for building endurance, streamline the body by increasing the metabolic rate and burning fat. Not recommended for beginners.
Tired and stressed? This gentle and therapeutic class of easy stretches will loosen all stress, tension and tightness from your body, gradually leading you into a state bliss. Ideal for beginners
Hot Hatha
Thsis a open level hatha yoga class taught in our fully ventilated hot studio. The heat gives the body greater flexibility andthe detoxifying sweat expels toxins from the body and is great for weight loss. (in different levels of difficulties)
Flexibility Series
In this class, the asanas flow from one into another, together with synchronization of the breath to specifically increase your flexibility. Not suited for beginners.
Easy Back Bend
Improve the flexibility of your spine in this class designed to open the back easily and safely. Suitable for everyone.
Yoga Balance
Balancing requires strength and coordination in different muscle group. This special class incorporates the various balancing postures in yoga such as arm balances, balancing on one leg to increase strength and incorporate grace in yoga postures. Not recommended for beginners.
Basic Stretch
Relief the stiffness in the neck and shoulders, ease all tension in the back pelvis, hips groin and ankles. This gentle class will progressively loosen the tightness in your body, promote relaxation and sense of wellbeing. Suitable for all.
Yoga for Beginners
An introductory class to learn basic yoga postures to loosen tight joints such as the shoulders and hip joints, lengthen habitually tensed muscles to allow the body and mind to relax and unwind naturally. Feel the difference in this refreshing class highly recommended for beginners.